The book entitled The History of the Puli is a work filling a gap in our cynological literature.


" The puli is not a dog,...it is a puli "

The book entitled The History of the Puli is a work filling a gap in our cynological literature.


The history of our most popular sheep dog is laid out befor the readers from 6000 years B. C. right up to today.

The Author shows on the basis of authentic material evidence that the puli is the most ancient breed of dog still living today.

This specialist book containing family tree records, pedigrees and archive photographs, will be firstly picked up and made use of by people dealing more seriously with the breed, but it promises to be an interesting item of reading material for everyone drawn to the puli.  

You can promote the dog shelter of Debrecen with every book. Please, help the stray dogs and give these books as presents to your friends.

The history of the puli last pieces are on a special discount price.

Price: 15 Euro / 1 book


It is in Hungarian, English and German. 

Arany Csaba


e.mail: edzoacsabi@gmail.hu  

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 5
Tegnapi: 2
Heti: 5
Havi: 10
Össz.: 3 304

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